Drone perspective of Hotel Hyppeis and the surroundings

Hotel Hyppeis

a place for the soul in the Finnish Archipelago

The best way to experience the finnish archipelago

Enjoy life, let your body and soul rest, spend time with your loved one, nourish yourself with delicious food and good nights sleep.

Our boutique hotel is three ferries away from the mainland. We offer our guests a memorable stay by the sea. If you are looking for luxury in terms peacefulness, fresh air, a possibility to slow and calm down, connect with the nature in the middle of nowhere, we are the place to visit!

With warm hospitality we wish you will find your new home away from home with us.

Cozy bed in Hotel Hyppeis with beautiful light shining on it


Our hotel has 6 bright and beautiful rooms, all of them decorated honoring archipelago traditions and style. All rooms have shower and toilet and of course sea view.

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Our food is made with the best fresh ingredients available and locally produced always when possible. During the summer the menu changes every week, since our chefs also change. Read more about our visiting top chefs and let them surprise you.

read more & Reserve a table
A good-looking dish with meat and seasonal vegetables.
Sailboats in the guest harbor of Hotel Hyppeis.


Right in front of the hotel and restaurant is our small harbour, well protected from windy weathers. Here you can enjoy quiet mornings, great food, drinks and friendly service.

Come for a day or two, or just for food and drinks from your summer cottage!

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Our story

“Such a beautiful place, and can you feel the silence? And what a feeling of peacefulness inside the house!”. This was our impression of this place when we visited it for the first time. Then we couldn’t even imagine, that couple of years later we would own this wonderful place.

We had the great pleasure of opening the hotel and restaurant in 2018 with fresh new ideas and concepts! It also gave us the opportunity to move to archipelago. Sam has spent summers in Houtskär since childhood, and Outi ever since she met Sam.

Houtskär, the archipelago, and its people have a very special place in our hearts. Every day we are amazed by the beauty, stunning nature, and the calming effects of this place. Not to mention the spirit of the of the inn itself, which emanates warmth and tranquility.

We are profoundly happy to be able to develop and promote tourism in our archipelago and to offer travelers a cozy and peaceful place to stop and relax in these amazing surroundings.

In addition to accommodation, we want to pamper locals, boaters, cottage dwellers, and travelers with tasty cuisine prepared using locally produced ingredients.

Hotel and restaurant Hyppeis värdshus was originally a village school, built in 1904. The school ceased operation in 1969, after which the building has, among other things, housed a small textile factory, a handicraft shop, and some rental apartments.

In 2008, the municipality of Houtskär decided to renovate the school for restaurant and accommodation use. Before we, Outi and Sam, bought the school, it had already served several years as a summer restaurant and hotel.

Welcome to feel the same as we – beauty and peacefulness of this place!

Hotel Hyppeis facade in late srping
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Read more about our corporate values in our "responsibility" page.

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