Viisi ilmaista nähtävyyttä Saariston rengastien varrelle: Tutustu niihin!
Saariston rengastien varrella Paraisilta Houtskariin on monta pysähtymisen arvoista kaunista paikkaa ja lukuisia maksuttomia käyntikohteita. Kokosin tähän blogiin viisi vinkkiä, […]
Olitpa sitten pyörän selässä tai auton ratissa, matka Houtskariin ja saaristoon on mielestämme unohtumaton seikkailu. Kolmen lautan päässä oleva Houtskari ja maisemat matkan […]
• The coordinates to our harbor are 60°12.794’N 21°16.664’E • Number of buoys:10
• Length of the pier: 30 meters
• For more exact description on how to arrive see the map.
• Despite the instructions on how to arrive to our harbor you are responsible for the safe navigation to our harbor.
• We are behind 3 ferries (all free of charge) from the mainland and Parainen, about 90 km from Turku and 250 km from Helsinki. Take the road 180 from Parainen and then drive through Nauvo and Korppoo to reach Houtskari.
• When in Houtskari, continue 9 km towards Näsby, then turn left to Hyppeis. After 6 km you’ll see our hotel on the left side (a white house by the sea).
• If you are coming from Iniö and Mossala, continue through Mossala and Björkö islands towards Turku. Turn right (not to Näsby) and continue towards Hyppeis (not to Turku). After 6 km you’ll see our hotel on the left side (a white house by the sea).
• The nearest buss stops are in Träsk (6 km from us or in Näsby village (7 km from us). Take contact, if you need a taxi ride from the bus stop.